Year End Thank you!
At Livable Buckhead, we know that lots of things contribute to a neighborhood being more than boundaries on a map. Everything from the number of parks close by to the number of cars on the roads impacts how people feel about a community. Since 2011, Livable Buckhead has worked to understand the priorities of residents, businesses, and city officials, find alignment among them, and facilitate strategies that represent the needs and desires of Buckhead's different constituencies. Your support makes that possible.
By making a gift to Livable Buckhead, you help create and sustain community.
From PATH400 to the Buc and our Hide, Lock, Take campaign to keep crime down, all our programs have one key thing in common: making Buckhead a vibrant place where people want to live, work, and play.
They say you should give where you live. When you give to Livable Buckhead, we'll use it to make where you live (or work!) even better.
With gratitude,
Denise Starling
Executive Director